The Essentials


The Essentials

Join us today @ 4:30pm in PS 203 for The Essentials.  This is for anyone and people from all backgrounds, religions, and viewpoints.  Some come to investigate questions about the existence of God, the purpose of life, the afterlife, the claims of Jesus and more.  Some people want to get beyond religion and find a relationship with God that really changes life. 


Core Groups

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Core Groups

Are you in?  Core groups are a great way to make some new friends, learn to study the Bible, and get plugged into Chi Alpha.  A Core Group is a small group of guys or girls who meet weekly for worship, Bible study, and fun.  Core groups are the nucleus where community is formed in Chi Alpha.  If you are interested in a Core Group, call (801) 899-9621 or email 

Girls Core Groups

  • Tuesdays @ 3pm
  • Wednesdays @ 1pm
  • Thursdays @ 3:45pm

Guys Core Group

  • Thursdays @ 10am
  • Thursdays @ 3:30pm


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Tubing down Provo River

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Tubing down Provo River

**CANCELLED** Unfortunately the weather is not giving us a good weekend to go tubing.  

THIS SATURDAY (September 14th) we are going to be tubing down Provo River!  Wear something that can get wet, bring a towel, $10, and join us for a 2-hour ride down the river.  We will be meeting at 12:30pm at 3702 East Provo Canyon Rd (In front of Vivian Park) in Provo.  If you have any questions, please call (801) 899-9621 or email 

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Cold Butts and Root Beer

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Cold Butts and Root Beer

Have you ever been ice blocking before?  We are going to be doing that this Friday (September 6th) at Rock Canyon Park, near the temple in Provo!  Join us at 6pm for a fun and hilarious night.  As if ice blocking isn't enough, we'll also have FREE root beer floats!!!  Bring a towel to sit on the ice, dress to get dirty, and we'll see you Friday! 

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Welcome Week 2013


Welcome Week 2013

We are so excited for the new semester, and as a part of welcoming all of the new and returning UVU students we have a lot of fun planned for the first two weeks of school. We want you to be a part, meet new friends, and bring friends to the different things we will be doing throughout the two weeks.

Here is what we've got going on:

Monday, August 26
- 9:00am-2:30pm: Passing out Otter-Pops on campus (text/call to find out where we are)

Tuesday, August 27
- 9:00am-2:30pm: Passing out Otter-Pops on campus (text/call to find out where we are)

Wednesday, August 28
- 9:00am-12:00pm: Contact Table on campus (Hall of Flags)

Thursday, August 29
- 9:00am-2:30pm: Passing out Otter-Pops on campus (text/call to find out where we are)
- 6:00pm-10:00pm: MAWL BBQ/Women's Soccer Game (check out UVU for details on cost)

Friday, August 30
- 9:00am-2:30pm: Passing out Otter-Pops on campus (text/call to find out where we are)
- 5:00pm-9:00pm: Chi Alpha Tailgating Party/Women's Volleyball Game (tailgating location TBA)

Saturday, August 31
- Hike up to 5th Springs (call/text for details)

Monday, September 2

Tuesday, September 3
- 9:00am-2:30pm: Passing out Otter-Pops on campus (text/call to find out where we are)
- 7:00pm-9:00pm: BYU vs. UVU Women's Volleyball Game (check out UVU for details on cost)

Wednesday, September 4
- 9:00am-12:00pm: Contact Table on campus (location TBA)
- 11:30am-1:00pm: Wolverine Wednesday Carnival in the Courtyard (check out UVU for details)

Thursday, September 5
- 9:00am-2:30pm: Passing out Otter-Pops on campus (text/call to find out where we are)

Friday, September 6
- 9:00am-2:30pm: Passing out Otter-Pops on campus (text/call to find out where we are)
- 6:00pm-10:00pm: Cold Butts and Root Beer at Rock Canyon Park (Ice Blocking and Root Beer Floats)
